a cozy newborn session. portland family photographer.
a sunday morning with this newly-crowned big brother and his newly-arrived little sis: mama snuggles and diaper changes; coffee refills and spiderman web-throwing; playinβ cars with dad and watching out the window for squirrels. it was the best <3
welcoming baby jordan. portland newborn photographer
baby jordan is officially in the world and his interests are: napping on white fur, drinking milk, and watching the clouds roll by. he is also into being swaddled and playing with his brother. welcome baby j & congratulations to this sweet lil fam <3
a sparkly lakeside session. sandpoint family photographer
this little family on the perfect summer night, on the shores of lake pend orielle
reserve vineyards & golf club wedding
the sweetest day with a perfect sunset and a ceremony under tall trees ; vows under an august sky and a little bit of summer wind; these two rode around in a golf cart and kissed in the vineyards and got down on a packed dance floor >> it was the b e s t day ever. <3
exploring the city with the chilcoats. bellingham family photographer.
this sweet family on a bellingham morning: coffee and wandering through alleyways; the farmers market and some rock throwing on the beach. it was the perfect fall saturday <3
a session in the trees with a side of fog. portland family photographer.
this sweet little family on a foggy morning
a fun beach and town session. edmonds family photographer.
these four on the beaches of edmonds.